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Hogwarts - District 4


Zingen, schrijven, dansen, tekenen,shoppen, One Direction stalken, JB bekijken, Demi aanmoedigen & Harry Potter & Hunger Games kijken



| Singing | The Hunger Games | Harry Potter | Skins U.K | Demi Lovato | Justin Bieber | The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower | Never Say Never | Stay Strong | Believe | Be Unbroken | Pierce The Veil | Sleeping WIth Sirens | Tumblr | Writing | Song writing |

Ik heb de quiz Suicide Prevention gemaakt, maar Quizlet heeft hem eraf gehaald ._. het verhaal staat in mijn blog (klik op het woord en dan kom je er xp), voor iedereen die zich suicidiaal voelt & onbelangrijk voelt.

This is sad '):'
This is depressed '(:'
Learn the difference.

1. We stopped looking for the monsters under our bed when we realised they lived inside us.
2. Pretty girls don't eat.
3. She paints a pretty picture, but the story has a twist, her paint bursh was a razor and her canvas was her wrist.
4. I could disappear forever and it wouldn't make any difference.
5. You make me feel so fucking useless.
6. It's like screaming but nobody hears it.
7. 'Why did you try to kill yourself?' 'You told me to be happy'.
8. I'm sorry if I'm not good enough.
9. She's the girl that never eats.
10. But she seemed so happy.
11. You call me stupid? I fake a smile everyday and you believe it.
12. Save me from myself.
13. It's not like anybody cares, so...
14. I'm fine.

Demetria Devonne Lovato;
• Believe in yourself • Your imperfections make you beautiful • Never tell a girl she's fat, even if you're joking • Whenever you feel alone, put on my music cause I'll be there for you • I would eat two meals a week • I've been struggeling with depression since I was 7 • They called me horrible things • Go on and try to tear me down, I would be rising from the ground like a skyscraper • Now I'm a warrior and you can never hurt me again • I'm losing myself trying to compete • You never really can fix a heart • Stay Strong • Would it make you feel better to watch me when I bleed? • The mirror can lie, doesn't show you what's inside • A little girl grew up too fast •

Pierce the veil;
• Darling you'll be okay • I would rather end it all tonight • What's so good about picking up the pieces? • What a waiste of a perfectly good clean wrist • Can we create something beautiful and destroy it? • Vic Fuentes • Mike Fuentes • Jaime Preciado • Tony Perry • Don't bother 'cause this love is alive, I'm a chemical kid you are mechanical bride • I kissed the scars on her skins, I still think you're beautiful and I don't ever wanna lose my best friend • My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me • You're the only thing that's keeping me alive • One million branches and she loves everyone • Mom and dad did you search for me? I've been up here so long I'm going crazy • I'll draw the shades and close the doors, everything's not alright and I would rather •

Sleeping with sirens;
• Sometimes you've gotta fall before you fly • Don't wake me up 'cause I hate who I am today • Wrists are for bracelets, not for cutting • If you can't hang then there's the door baby • Who are you now? • Is this what you call a family? • Is it something I did? • I'm trying to deal with the pain • You make me feel low, don't make me feel low • They say this should feel something like fire • I hope that you've found who you are • Could you check my bulls for me to see if I'm alive • I don't wanna die alone • Why the fuck did you leave me? • Nobody's gonna hold your hand when all is done, and it's up for you to understand • Nobody's gonna feel your pain • So when you have today you should say all that you have to say •

Justin Drew Bieber;
• Kidrauhl • Let me tell you one time • Knock knock • Let me tell you a story about a girl and a boy • Hey girl I like your accent • Come and take my hand • You can't fly unless you let yourself fall • Did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly • You were just my age when you had me, mom you were so brave • If I could put a smile on your face, and take the pain away, baby I would • I'm overboard and I need your love • Feels like I'm drowning without your love • Never Say Never • Where would I be if you didn't believe • Everything's starts from something • Canada • There's gotta be one less lonley girl • I'll be your soldier • I pray • Children are crying, soldiers are dying • Everything's gonna be alright • Across the ocean, across the sea, starting to forget the way you look at me •


In the end everything will be ok, if its not its not the end

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4 Creaties van BattleScars

Gastenboek (62)

  • VoIde

    Hey!! What's Up! Hoe staat het ermee?

    7 jaar geleden
  • VoIde

    Let's party! (banana)

    7 jaar geleden
  • Rubin

    Hallo, hoe gaat het vandaag? (nerd)

    7 jaar geleden
  • VoIde

    Ik kom gewoon even hallo zeggen :)

    7 jaar geleden
  • Sempre

    Je bent al een tijdje niet online geweest. Kan ik je ergens mee helpen?

    7 jaar geleden

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